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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bakrie to provide '3G services' using CDMA technology

Failing to win a government license for third generation (3G) mobile services last week has not undermined PT Bakrie Telecom's determination to enter the high-speed data transmission market.

Bakrie Finance's president, Anindya N. Bakrie, said in Jakarta on Monday the company planned this year to adopt the CDMA-based Evolution Data Optimized (EVDO) system, the latest version of CDMA 2000-1X, which would allow it to provide high-speed data transmission services as good as those offered by 3G technology.

"With the launch of EVDO, we will show that Bakrie Telecom remains committed to providing high-speed data transmission services," he said.
Bakrie Telecom and PT Telkom were both outbid in the 3G auction held by the government last week by three other operators, PT Telkomsel, Indosat and Excelcomindo, which each took one of the three frequencies blocks being auctioned.

"We can still use our current frequency (800 MHz) and our transceivers. We only need to add some equipment, such as EV-DO carriers to our transceivers, in order to provide high-speed data transmission services," Anindya said, adding that using WCDMA technology -- the GSM-based 3G mobile telecommunications technology -- in providing high-speed data transmission services would be far more costly for the company as it did not possess a GSM base.

If Bakrie Telecom had won a 3G license last week, the company would have also had to invest a lot of money to pay the frequency license fee and construct the GSM infrastructure, he said.

The Jakarta Post

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